
Habbits of an Effective Rotarian

  1. Attendance: Effective Rotarians always to attend their club meetings or make up at other clubs as much as possible. They’re aware that regular attendance is an important part of their membership commitment and do not miss a chance to attend. They participate on committees, on which they’re members of plus others if invited. They are keen to attend all events and District functions. They participate in District assembly and District conference each year and have attended a recent Rotary international convention.
  2. Fellowship: Effective Rotarians enjoy meeting other members and often feel this fellowship is as important to Rotary as the actual business part of a meeting. They go out of their way to talk to those whom they do not know and believe a stranger is just a friend they have no met yet. Out side of Rotary they also enjoy meeting people and get acquainted with them. At large Rotary gathering, they make and effort to meet others, rather than just fraternizing with friends from their own clubs