The Butiiti Girls Primary School, Uganda – A Butiiti Adopt a Community Project will be implemented in Butiiti Town Council, Butiiti Sub-County, Kyenjojo/ District, in the Toro Sub-Region of Rwenzori Region, Mid-Western Uganda. It is approximately 260 km west of Kampala City and 2 km off Kampala-Fort Portal Highway at Mukunyu Trading Centre on Mukunyu-Butiiti Road. The project area has Mukunyu as the main trading center with a Town Council administrative status of Butiiti Town Council, Kyenjojo District.

It is  a Basic Education and Literacy Enhancement Program (BELEP) initiative that seeks to enhance and/or develop human capital and strengthen the institutional capacity of Butiiti Girls Primary School in Uganda to improve delivery of quality education to its learners and skills needed to be productive members of society. Our approach aims to improve the quality of education and empower the school and educators to provide a positive environment for student academic and social development. This is especially crucial in the face of poor and inadequate infrastructure and a water crisis that exacerbate the challenges faced by the school. Our project is designed to enhance human capital through in-service professional teachers’ development training and “training of trainers” seminars. We will also strengthen the capacity of the school by improving its education infrastructure and key WASH facilities. This includes renovating and equipping the Nursery and P2 classroom block and a library, constructing two universal multi-user gendered flush toilet washrooms and an incinerator, installing a solar-powered borehole well complete with two 5,000-lt pumped water tanks and meters, and installing two 10,000-litre rainwater harvesting tanks.

In addition, the project will support the school’s extra-curricular activities, such as Climate Smart Farmer Field School Garden, and Fruit and Medicinal Tree planting, and the making of safe and affordable reusable sanitary pads. By investing in the training and development of educators and trainers, we aim to create a pool of skilled and effective teaching workforce that can better support students in reaching their full potential. Hence, the project will create a safe and conducive learning environment for both students and teachers, motivating teachers to provide quality education and improving productivity. The positive transformation of the school will improve its food security, economic situation and inspire the teachers to ensure sustainability beyond the project duration.


  1. To enhance the institutional capacity of Butiiti Girls Primary School, Uganda, with the aim of improving the delivery of quality education and imparting essential skills to students, enabling them to become productive members of society.
  2. To create a conducive and safe learning environment that fosters better learning outcomes, enhances the well-being of students, and reduces the number of school dropouts.

At least 518 students, 48 in Nursery school, and 12 teachers will benefit directly from the project and, indirectly by extension, 4,933 individuals in 710 households within the Butiiti Town Council community. 

The Rotary E-Club of Uganda Global (Lead Club) and Rotary Club of Oakville Trafalgar (International Club) and Partnering clubs are planning a three-year project to use The Rotary Foundation’s Global Grants facilities to implement their BELEP and WASH project in Butiiti Town Council, Kyenjojo District, Mid-Western Uganda.