Plans for DEAR DAY underway at Kawuku Parents Primary School

On Wednesday 22nd June 2022, Rtn Tom Otwom Obace, Rtn Enid Namirembe, and Rtn Shamilah Nabiyiki met with the staff of Kawuku Parents Primary School, led by the head teacher, Mr David Mwenyi, at the school premises. The meeting was held to develop a strategic plan on how to actively participate and involve all stakeholders on the DEAR DAY, which will be held on 1st July 2022.
D.E.A.R. stands for “Drop Everything And Read” so on this day, everyone in schools and/or community organizations across Uganda shall put down whatever they are doing and engages in reading in an effort to promote reading culture. 
The Rotary E-Club of Uganda shall donate reading materials to learners and guide the learners on the best reading practices. This shall be done in partnership with Help Africa.
The staff were very excited about it and have pledged to start preparing the pupils for the D DAY. The Rotarians encouraged the staff to immediately invite and involve the surrounding communities so that the event is communally owned. Community involvement will help to make this a memorable day for the school, and most especially, for the pupils.

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