District Governor Edward Kakembo Nsubuga Inspires Service and Community Engagement at the Rotary E-Club of Uganda Global

The E-Club of Uganda Global recently had the honor of hosting District Governor Edward Kakembo Nsubuga, a revered figure in the realm of service and community empowerment. His visit was marked by an impassioned speech that underscored the significance of extending aid to the less fortunate, empowering the boy child, and reinforcing the value of service above self.

In his compelling address, DG Nsubuga emphasized the crucial role Rotary clubs play in uplifting communities. He highlighted the importance of extending a helping hand to those in need, emphasizing that service to humanity should be a priority. His stirring words resonated deeply with the members of the E-Club, igniting a renewed passion for philanthropy and community engagement.

A key focal point of DG Nsubuga’s speech was the empowerment of the boy child. Recognizing the importance of gender equality, he stressed the need to provide equal opportunities and support for boys to thrive in society. His advocacy for empowering the boy child aligns with Rotary International’s commitment to fostering inclusive communities and ensuring equitable development for all.

During the visit, Hope Creator President (HCP) Patricia Nantaba Ssembatya delivered a comprehensive presentation on the financial aspects of the club’s initiatives. A momentous announcement was made regarding the imminent conclusion of the Maternal and Child Health Global Grant on December 16th at St. Monica Birango Health Centre II, culminating in a grand Handover Ceremony. This initiative stands as a testament to the club’s dedication to improving healthcare for mothers and children in underserved communities.

Another significant development highlighted during the visit was the approval of the Butiiti Adopt A Community Global Grant 2344843 amounting to $231,286.00. This substantial grant is poised to make a profound impact once implemented, furthering Rotary’s mission to create sustainable change and improve livelihoods of the Butiiti Community in Kyenjojo District.

HCP Patricia Nantaba Ssembatya also shed light on upcoming club events aimed at making a difference in the community. The “Butiiti Caravan of Love Medical Outreach” event scheduled for December 8th which aimed at providing essential healthcare services to those in need. Through the same event, the club is promoting The Boy Child Uplifting Program by supporting the Butiti Girls Primary School’s volleyball team with scholastic materials and t.shirts to be donated by Help Africa. This is in line with Rotary’s commitment to promoting healthcare accessibility and education. This program signifies the club’s holistic approach to addressing crucial societal issues beyond physical health.

The club proudly announced welcoming one new Major Donor and one new Paul Harris Fellow, emphasizing the continuous growth and support garnered for their initiatives. Moreover, the addition of two new members reflects the expanding network of individuals dedicated to Rotary’s noble cause.

Furthermore, the club’s efforts were spotlighted through media coverage, with impactful stories aired: http://Uganda’s Rotary E-Club Cancer Run: Equipping Nsambya Hospital Cancer Ward – YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=eclub+cancer+run. These stories showcased the success of the Cancer Run Launch and the ongoing endeavors of the club in making a difference within the community.

In essence, District Governor Edward Kakembo Nsubuga’s visit to the E-Club of Uganda Global served as a catalyst for renewed enthusiasm, reaffirming the club’s commitment to service, empowerment, and community betterment. The initiatives outlined and the inspiring message conveyed during this visit undoubtedly set the stage for continued impactful contributions towards creating positive change in society.

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